
The Dream

The idea for Riverborn came in a dream in June of 2014. It was a "heavy" dream that made it hard to surface. I felt like I had packed stones in my pockets, and I had sunk to the very bottom of the image-pool to retrieve this story. I lay awake for a long time with... Continue Reading →

Outside the Box

I am extremely grateful for having two parents who did not let the norms of their society define them. My mother was born into a poor share-cropping family in southern Missouri during the early 1900s. She was the fifth of six children, but one of her brothers died at the age of two. A country... Continue Reading →

Someone Who Loves to Read

When Sola gets Anna-Catherine's journal, she says that it's torture to wait until the children are in bed, so she can dive back into the story. This describes my childhood. I can remember my third-grade teacher taking our class to the school library once a week. She made the rule that as soon as we... Continue Reading →

Generation Z: Making a Difference in Our World

You're never too young to step up, speak out, innovate, educate, and change the world.  These young people from countries around the globe found the passion and courage to challenge the "status quo." Bana Alabed, a Syrian refugee, publicizing the plight of her people. Sonita Alizadah, from Afghanistan, speaking out against forced marriage. Jack Andraka,... Continue Reading →

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